Rex Rabbits are one of the nine domestic rabbit breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and by the British Rabbit Council (BRC). Nowadays, the rabbit breed is more popular as a pet due to their docile behaviour.

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Rex Rabbits- In a Glimpse:
Common Name | Rex Rabbits |
Scientific Name | Oryctolagus cuniculus |
Other name | Standard Rex Rabbit |
Adult Weight | 7.5-10.5 lbs |
Colour | 16 different colors |
Fur | Short hair |
Nature | Sociable and easy to train |
Good Pet? | Yes |
Diets | Grass, Oats, Hay, Orchards |
Predators | Dogs, Cats, Foxes |
Conservation Status | Not Evaluated |
Everything About Rex Rabbits:
ARBA and BRC recognized different numbers of colour varieties for the rabbit breed as ARBA recognized 16, whereas BRC recognized 32 varieties. Some popular rex rabbit breeds are given below:
- Astrex
- Canadian Plush Lop
- Mini Rex [USA]
- Miniature Rex [UK]
- Opossum
- Plush Lop (Miniature)
- Plush Lop (Standard)
- Rex [US]
- Velveteen Lop
Origin and Distribution:
Rex rabbits first originated in France back in 1919 as a litter of wild grey rabbits. The breed was developed over the years for the fancier, domestic and fur industry. It was first publicly introduced at the Paris International Rabbit Show in 1924. In the following year, it became very popular all over Europe. However, the USA first imported the rabbit breed in 1924 as a result of the Paris International Rabbit Show.
Rex rabbits don’t have any specific type of habitat. As they are mostly used as domestic pets, owners can keep them inside a cage or outdoors in a hutch. It is estimated that an adult rex rabbit needs at least 12 feet of cage space and at least 32 square feet of space to play, run, jump, and dig. ARBA recognized the rabbit breed as a medium size rabbit breed.
However, rex rabbits are very fickle in nature. They often escape the cage and go outdoors (owner’s gardens, yards, and porches). Hence you have to be careful and protect your rabbit from pet dogs, cats, and other predators. The rabbit breed is unlikely to be found in the wild but they might present in the meadows, fields, or parks.
Physical Characteristics: How do you identify a rex rabbit?

The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) has recognized the rabbit breed as a medium-sized with a rounded body shape. The average weight range for the breed is approximately 7.5–10.5 pounds (3.4–4.8 kg). Sexual dimorphism is very little in rex rabbits as female rabbits (doe) are slightly larger than the males (buck). The rabbits can be as long as 12 inches.
Rex rabbit has slightly broader head compared to other domestic rabbit breeds with proportionate upright ears and proportionally smaller feet. The doe usually has dewlap (a longitudinal flap of skin or similar flesh that hangs beneath the lower jaw or neck) and a nose flap.
Fur and Color:
Rex rabbits are short-furred animals and lack longer guard hairs. The rex coat is short in length due to the density of the hairs. The Rex fur is often described as plush or velvety and there are three types of rex fur: standard rex fur, short curly rex fur (as in the Astrex), and long curly rex fur (as in the Opossum).
There are no specific marking patterns for the rabbits. The length of hair is between 0.5 and 1 inch. The length of the hair is uniform across the entire body.
According to ARBA, Rex rabbits may have 16 different colours: Red, Sable, Californian, Broken, Lilac, Castor, Black, Chocolate, White, Lynx, Amber, Seal, Chinchilla, Blue, Otter, and Opal.
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Rex rabbits are known for their wonderful temperament and docile nature. Compared to other rabbit breeds that are skittish, the Rex rabbit is very social, friendly, and outgoing.

They often socialize with other breeds of rabbits and interact with owners, family members, and even strangers. Unlike other breeds, the Rex is not afraid. They enjoy being picked up and petted. As long you treat them gently and carefully, they’ll be very friendly with you.
Rex rabbits are very easy to train and suitable for everyone, whether you are a beginner, a pro, a senior, or you have a family with children. They are very trusting, can play games and they’ll come to you when you call them by their names. It is advised not to ignore or unattend your Rex for a long time, they might cause trouble or injure themselves.
Speed and Jump:
Due to its large size, the Rex rabbit is slower than other domestic rabbit breeds. They have low-moderate activity levels and can jump up to 3 feet.
Rex rabbits are herbivores and the amount of food required for a rabbit depends on its age, sex, size, and health condition. Their preferred foods are grasses, orchids, oats, and meadow hay which should be at least 70-80% of their diet. Additionally, pet lovers usually feed them leafy greens, carrots, apples, broccoli, and other fresh vegetables to boost their immunity. You can also feed them with commercially processed rabbit-formulated pellet food.
Predators and Threats:
Rex rabbits are usually bred for shows, meat, fur, and as pets. However, these rabbits don’t have any natural predators but while playing outdoors, you should be careful that larger animals like dogs, cats, coyotes, badgers, foxes, and larger birds don’t harm or kill them. Smaller rabbits also need protection from Ferrets, Stoats, and Weasels.
Conservation Status:
Due to the unavailability of proper data about its population, IUCN hasn’t evaluated the Rex rabbit’s conservation status yet.
Reproduction and Life Cycle:
Sexual Maturity | 4-6 months |
Litter Size | 5-10 |
Gestation Period | 31 days |
Weaning Age | 1.5-2 months |
Life Expectancy | 6-8 years |

On average Rex Rabbits reach sexual maturity at 4-6 months age and females take longer to mature than males. Usually, mating takes place in bucks’ (male) cages, and the breeding season typically happens one after the other to increase the chance of conception and pregnancy.
The gestation period lasts generally 31 days and the litter size is between 5 and 10. First two weeks, rabbit kittens depend on breast milk, and after that, they gradually learn how to eat grasses, hay, and other foods. They become fully weaned at 1.5-2 months of age.
Life Expectancy:
Rex rabbits usually live around 6-8 years but sometimes they can live as long as 12 years (very rarely) depending on genetic factors and health conditions.
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Are Rex Rabbits Good Pets?
Yes, a Rex rabbit can be a very good choice if you are considering having a pet. The rabbits are docile, friendly, and sociable. They love human company and being petted. It is also legal to own a rex rabbit in most of the countries. Here are 13 facts you should know before purchasing a Rex rabbit.
Consider the 13 facts before purchasing a Rex Rabbit:
1. Rex rabbit is a cuddly, even-tempered, and docile animal that could be an amazing pet for any family (even if you have a newborn baby).
2. They love to be petted and they become very friendly with strangers easily. Hence, if you have guests in your house, you shouldn’t worry about the rabbit.
3. The rabbits are very easy to train. If you are a beginner, you can easily train your rabbit. The rabbits can be litter-trained, learn to play games, and respond when you call them by their names.

4. The rabbits love to eat grasses, Timothy, oats, orchards, and meadow hay. But you can also feed them processed rabbit foods.
5. The rabbits love to groom themselves but they can’t cough up any hairballs. If a rabbit ingests too much of its fur, it can cause serious problems in the intestine. Hence, a periodical brushing is important when the fur starts to shed in winter.
6. The rabbits should have a litter box placed far from their eating place. You can use shredded paper as it is cheap and doesn’t absorb odour. Hence, you have to change the paper quite often. Or you can try to give your rabbit potty training which takes little time to learn but once your rabbit learns it, it’ll be easier for you to handle.
7. The rabbits can co-exist with other breeds of rabbits and other animals. Hence, if you already have other pets at your home, you shouldn’t worry about it. Just make sure that your dog or cat doesn’t attack the little rabbit.
8. Rex rabbits often suffer sore hocks (when rabbit’s feet develop sores) and this can lead to infection. To avoid the problem, you have to provide your rabbit healthy diet as well as a routine check of the floor of the rabbit’s cage. A rough surface often irritates a rabbit’s paws.
9. You should take your rabbit to a Veterinarian at least once a year even if your rabbit is completely fine and it is to maintain good health.

But once your rabbit becomes five years old, you should take your rabbit to the veterinarian once in six months because at this age rex rabbits usually have more serious health complications. The rabbits often suffer from digestive and respiratory issues, malocclusion, and uterine cancer.
10. Similar to other rabbits, Rex rabbit majorly suffers from dental issues. If their teeth become too long it can puncture their gums and mouth.
11. The rabbit species demands lots of attention. If they are ignored for a long time, they might cause trouble and even injure themselves.
12. Rabbit kittens are full of energy for the first six months of their birth. Rex Rabbits are very docile and not aggressive but due to their unstoppable energy in the first six months, they might act aggressively. During this time, protect your kids from the rabbits.
13. Rex rabbit often escapes the cage and goes outside, in the garden, park, and meadows to play. Hence, you have to protect your little rabbit from potential threats such as dogs, cats, larger birds, coyotes, and foxes.
About Rex Rabbits Sales: How do you purchase a Rex?
Rex rabbits are usually very popular domestic rabbit breeds in many countries including the USA, UK, France, Canada, Germany, and Spain. Hence, you can easily find them in local pet shops and local rabbit breeders. However, depending on your location, you can purchase them from online services as well. You can find a breeder recognized by ABRA by clicking here.
How much does a Rex Rabbit cost?
A Rex rabbit costs around $35-$75 depending on your location. You also need to buy a cage, litter tray, food, toys, and brush, which might cost $150-$200. Additionally, you have to pay for pet insurance and veterinarians which might cost $30-40 a month on average.
Do Rex rabbits have health issues?
Yes, Rex rabbits may have health issues mostly when they hit five years of age. They often suffer dental injury, digestive and respiratory issues, malocclusion, and uterine cancer.
Does Rex rabbit have delicious meat?
Yes, Rex rabbits are often bred for meats. Meat production results in the harvesting of young rabbits (75-85 days old) which means they don’t produce quality adult furs.
Are Rex rabbits hypoallergenic?
Yes, they are. They shed their coat furs more than other domestic pets.
Can Rex rabbits live alone?
Rex rabbits are friendly and sociable animals. They love to live in pairs but you can keep them as a solo pet. They often create a friendly bond with other pets such as dogs and cats.
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